No doubt, Explainer videos are gaining popularity among different industries as they are capable to deliver better return on investment. In fact, it is commonly used by the corporate giants, startups, NGOs, businesses etc. There are lots of reasons which are responsible for the popularity of explainer videos such as it grabs audience easily and helps to gain their attention. Even more, it is capable to explain the features of the products, offers, benefits, business concepts in simple manner. Additionally, many customers trusts on the explainer videos before purchasing any product. The well-optimized videos also gets better rank on search engine result pages which is good for your business.

Top 5 Elements which you Should Focus in Making Explainer Videos:
Story and Script: If the storyline of the video is well-written then it will definitely work. You can say that it is the hero of every video which you can’t compromise. So, try to keep the content simple and direct and use the language which can be understand by the audience.
StoryBoarding: After getting a best story, you should try to the find the ways to present it on the screen. In this case, storyboarding comes in the picture. You must be sure about how story will appear to get the attention from the audience.
Animation: In a explainer video, animation comes in different forms such as 2D or 3D animation, Whiteboard animation, Infographics etc. So, you need to make sure about the kind of animation and how you will use it.
Timing: According to the research, the first 30 second of the video should contain key information which can stop the viewer to watch it completely.
Sound: Sound also plays one of the important role in making a video. Your video must have a high-quality sound or musci which should set the tone, mood and pace of the video.
Triangle Berry aims to provide all the elements in creating the explainer videos. If you are also looking for best studio then you should contact us now.